This is a small package to help me test a few things for my book. If you want to help, please install the tests.img file to a 1.44meg disk and reboot in a x86 machine with an OHCI, UHCI, EHCI, or xHCI controller on a PCI or PCIe bus. If you already have DOS installed on that machine, simply run ochi.exe, uhci.exe, ehci.exe, or xhci.exe from the DOS partition. (you may need to start a DMPI server first. See below) 1. Install the tests.img to the floppy: To install tests.img to a 1.44meg disk, simply use the following command line: mputimg tests.img a: 2. Boot the floppy in the machine(s) you would like to run the test on. ****** You must choose option 2 (FreeDOS safe mode) in the boot menu ****** 3. Type u.bat, o.bat, e.bat, or x.bat and the enter key. This will : 1. load the DPMI server 2. run the test so that it prints to the screen 3. pause for keypress 4. run the test so that it prints to a file called ohci.txt, uchi.txt, ehci.txt, or xchi.txt 4. Please send the *hci.txt file to me, or copy/paste to an email and send that email to me at fys[at]fysnet[dot]net Note: If you want to run the test on a machine that already has DOS on it, you will need a DPMI server. Included in the file is cwsdpmi.exe (in the file). 1. Copy the cwsdpmi.exe file to the DOS partion, 2. At the DOS prompt, type cwsdpmi -p -s- uhci uhci > uhci.txt (substituting ohci, uhci, ehci, or xhci above as needed) To run these tests with the verbose flag off, use the -v- parameter. To run these tests with the dump flag off, use the -d- parameter. To run these tests and pausing between 'pages', use the -p parameter. Example: uhci -v- uhci -v- > uhci.txt uhci -p Thank you, Ben ********** These tests will NOT work on anything but TRUE DOS. **************