{ FONT.PAS This is a port to Pascal from the Assember routine FONT.ASM. If this doesn't run on your system, please let me know and I will try to fix it for portability. Please report any errors you might find to fys [at] fysnet.net. Source from http://www.fysnet.net/index.htm. Forever Young Software Benjamin David Lunt Copyright 1984-2015 All rights reserved 11 Feb 1999 I use Borland Turbo Pascal Compiler 6.0. Thanks to Tvyn Rylan for the "BL value fix below" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-} program font; var MptrOff: word; MptrSeg: word; OurFont: array[1..28] of byte; begin OurFont[1] := $00; { 00000000b } OurFont[2] := $7F; { 01111111b } OurFont[3] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[4] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[5] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[6] := $7F; { 01111111b } OurFont[7] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[8] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[9] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[10] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[11] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[12] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[13] := $00; { 00000000b } OurFont[14] := $FF; { 00000000b } OurFont[15] := $00; { 00000000b } OurFont[16] := $7E; { 01111110b } OurFont[17] := $66; { 01100110b } OurFont[18] := $66; { 01100110b } OurFont[19] := $66; { 01100110b } OurFont[20] := $7F; { 01111111b } OurFont[21] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[22] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[23] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[24] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[25] := $63; { 01100011b } OurFont[26] := $7F; { 01111111b } OurFont[27] := $00; { 00000000b } OurFont[28] := $FF; { 00000000b } MptrSeg := seg(OurFont[1]); MptrOff := ofs(OurFont[1]); asm mov ax,$1100 mov dx,$41 { 65 'A' } mov cx,$02 { two char's to change } mov bx,$0E00 { number of bytes in each char } mov bp,MptrOff { bl = 0 } mov es,MptrSeg int $10 end; readln; end.