{ this simple routine shows how to use the mouse in your pascal programs. } PROGRAM mouse; uses crt; var HPos, VPos, BStatus : word; procedure GetMouseInfo; begin asm mov ax,03 int 33h mov ax,cx mov cl,03 shr ax,cl shr dx,cl mov HPos,ax mov VPos,dx mov BStatus,bx end; end; Begin clrscr; {mouse cursor on} asm mov ax,01 int 33h end; repeat GetMouseInfo; gotoxy(10,10); writeln('Horz Pos: ', HPos,' '); writeln('Vert Pos: ', VPos,' '); if (BStatus AND $01) = 1 then writeln('Left Button Pressed') else writeln(' '); if (BStatus AND $02) = 2 then writeln('Right Button Pressed') else writeln(' '); until keypressed; {mouse cursor off} asm mov ax,02 int 33h end; end.