Misc PCB's and other news

I have received my four-port hub PCB and have it almost assembled. With the research I did, soldering the small SMD chips to the board was easier than I had thought it would be. However, wouldn't you know it, I ran out of resistors. I thought I had a bunch of 27's, but I was wrong. :-) Anyway, a new shipment of resistors and other parts are on order and should be here soon.

I also received a few of my Password Generator PCB's, but interest in these boards are well over what I expected. They are already assembled and ready to be mailed. I have a few more on order and should be here soon. If you are interested, please let me know with the contact info in the page header above.

I decided to check www.BatchPCB.com again to see if they have fixed their DRC bot. It seems to be a bit better. However, if your project has any copper area's, the bot will fail the board. If you are only going to do one or two boards, www.oshpark.com is still the way to go. However, if you are going to do numerous projects at the same time, even with batchPCB's 10 USD handling fee, it is cheaper to go with them. However, please remember that they don't allow any copper areas. At least none that www.freePCB.com creates.

Four Port Hub

I have sent my four port hub PCB off to the fab's and have received most of the parts. As soon as it comes back, I will assemble it and see how I did. It is Self Powered, and each port is independantly power controlled with Over Current protection.

Re-orderd PCB's

I have sent off for more PCB's. If you are interested in some of the projects I have posted here, please let me know.