Release of ISO and code for all books

First let me state that I have really enjoyed this hobby of mine. Learning as I go, writing these books has been a great joy for me, as well the the support from you, my readers. Thank you so much.

However, I have recently found that I don't have the time or desire to work on this hobby as much as I use to. For the time being anyway. I recently became a grandfather, which is a great great joy in itself, as well as have a new, much better employment. I just don't have the time or desire to sit here and work on this hobby. (Again, for the time being.)

Therefore, I am announcing that I have released the ISO CD-ROM disc images for all currently available volumes, freely available, whether you have purchased the volume or not. This is my contribution to your hobby and my thank you for your support.

Please visit the Book Series home page and then each volume's page for instructions on getting this ISO image.

Hopefully I will be able to get back to this fine hobby in the very near future.