23 Oct 2023 Author: Benjamin D Lunt This archive contains four executable files: - bochs32.exe - bochsdbg32.exe - bochs64.exe - bochsdbg64.exe They are the compiled Windows executable of the Bochs (USB Edition) emulator found at: https://github.com/fysnet/Bochs-USB-Edition The two files with '32' are for 32-bit Windows, while the other two are for a 64-bit Windows platform. They are complied with VS2019, version 16.11.30. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2019/release-notes The two files with the 'dbg' are compiled with the x86 Debugger support included. The other two do not have the Debugger support included. All four have the USB debugger support added. These files are for those users that do not have a way to compile the source and are just looking for the compiled executables. They were compiled on the date shown at the top of this readme file. They are known to work on Windows10, though earlier versions of Windows might work as well. They might need the latest runtime libraries which are found at: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-GB/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 If you find any issues with any of these files, please contact me at: fys [at] fysnet [dot] net If you find any of my work helpful, you might wish to support my work and collect a few books on the subject while doing so. If so, please visit: https://www.fysnet.net/osdesign_book_series.htm Thank you, Ben