Just catching up

I haven't done a whole lot of work on this hobby of mine lately. However, I have done a little work on Ultimate, fixing / adding a few things here and there.

I have rewritten the page for my Legacy eMBR partitioning specification. No structual changes were made, simply a new documentation format with clarifications.

I have officially released version 1.0 of the Lean file system specification.

Some work has been done on my re-write of my FYSOS operating system.

A little bit of work, here and there, has been done on updated editions of my books, mostly clarifications and small additions. Nothing worth releasing a new edition over...yet!

I don't plan to give this hobby up, but I have found that in my older age, grandkids seem to be a more enjoyable hobby. :-)

Anyway, just a small note to say that I am still here, I still enjoy working on this hobby, and am still available for questions and comments. Thank you to all of you and hope and wish for a wonderful year ahead for us all.